"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense..."
Sound familiar? Almost as well known as "Four score and seven years ago". In all honesty, I love the wording of our forefathers from the yesterdays. Yet, my favorite words don't stem from Lincoln, Washington or Jefferson. They originate from one particular place in time, dated as August 28, 1963, and they begin like this:
"I Have A Dream... I have dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of it's creed: That 'we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal'."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Just as Martin Luther King, Jr. said so many years ago, I too, also have a dream. I have a dream today! A dream, which believes that from every mountainside, freedom should be able to ring. Yet, because of our own self-serving hypocrisy, those snow capped mountains can not ring because they are drowning in the churning waters of despair, crippled with discontent. They are never going to ring. We are completely removed from the path of racial tolerance and religious freedom, so much so, that we can't hear the mountain's ringing even if they were. Because frankly, no sound is there.
I was born and raised in the deep south, in the middle of the Bible belt. Louisiana just doesn't get any more southern. It's a state where we speak a little bit funny and play hard in the mud. A place where yes, "we" even tolerate and encourage prayer in our public schools. Although, I do not include myself in the "we" group. I have nothing against God, I just don't agree with bringing the Word into our schools. Religion is a personal, and private choice, that shouldn't be made for us or for our children. But that's just my personal opinion. So even though I am southern born and bred, I have just never agreed with, or accepted, our nation's outlandish tolerance for discriminatory behavior. The older I become, the stronger my voice becomes as well, and the louder I can speak. I have an extremely strong belief in advocating against the dischords of injustice, whether it be for myself, or others, who's civil rights are violated. As you can imagine, friends don't come quickly when you constantly stand tall, sweltering in the discontented heat. Within the dark corner's of our society, there are serious problems with the attempt to secure our "guaranteed, unalienable rights", which we were promised so long ago. I believe King said it best, when he described our nation's withering injustices as a promissory note that came back marked, "insufficient funds".
America, the land of the "free" and the home of the brave, needs to be shaken from it's ignorant sleep, so that today, this day, we as a people may finally receive those rights and acquire our long ago promised freedom. True, it has already been written...signed sealed and delivered. But delivering it to Congress, doesn't ensure it has been given to the people. Our people. We, the people.
Take a leisurely stroll down Main St., Small Town, America. There is no evidence of freedom here. People of color still live on the other side of town. The less fortunate are ridiculed because they cannot acquire the comforts and nicer clothing afforded to the suburbian wealthy. Tremendous and small minded backlash occur daily, almost to the point of exile, when fellow community members have the audacity to "opt out" of the path being placed upon them by neighbors and friends. Those who decide to not attend the neighborhood's "approved" house of worship, or conform to their standard way of thinking. Society refuses to believe and/or accept any notion that someone, anyone, may not believe in the same ideals. They are not capable of being even slightly tolerant, for those who believe outside of the box. But there are those of us who do, and can, live in a tolerant open frame of mind. It doesn't make us wrong, it doesn't make IT wrong, and it certainly doesn't make us deserving of hypocritical persecution. Day after day, in our own personal quest for that piece of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" dream, we are consistently met head on with our own nation's narrow, small minded brothers and sisters. We are consistently punish in our day to day lives, for not following the "norm", for getting out of the box of stupidity. So I ask you, why CAN'T people of mixed races marry? Are they two different species? Does it hurt you, or someone else? Are they not "people", same as you or I? And why CAN'T I believe in Allah, or Ghandi, or Buddha...or nothing, if that's what I choose? Does it hurt you? Should I be punished? Should I be made fun of? Should I be hated? Why is it wrong, if I believe differently than you? Why? But you do.... and I am. But, for the record, I am in no way stating what it is that I actually believe in for myself, in regards to God, religion, or even a lack thereof. My personal convictions are just that....personal, and will remain a private matter. I just simply have a deeper belief, that my ability to choose what I DO lay claim to, supercedes the actual belief's themselves. And THAT, is what is "self-evident" to me.
If we cannot, as a united people learn tolerance, embrace freedom for all who desire it, and begin to accept the individual differences in man, we will never be free from the burning moral gut of our tragically conceited mistakes. Until then, we as Americans, who live in this arrogant nation that we alone created, can learn to stifle our greedy desire for power, we will never see peace. Ever. For it is not our foreign policy, as it's so incorrectly perceived, that creates the need for war and makes other countries hate us.... It is religion; and our nation's refusal to accept people who look different, speak different, or simply believe different.... whether here in our homeland, or abroad. That being said, the plain truth of the matter is, we should have the right, as people, regardless of sex, race or religious preference, to be free from punishment and persecution at the hands of our own brothers. Not because we think we're better, or more deserving, but because it is what's morally RIGHT. And right for everyone, in every country, on any land. Black man, white man; women or children; Christian, Jew or Muslim... we are each deserving, because we are one people; flesh of the flesh, and our blood is all red. We are one human race. Because of that one single fact, we deserve to be free. Whether we truly are makes no difference, we should have that basic human right. Equality, for all of mankind.
Even though I may walk along my path alone, be ridiculed and judged, I will never back away from my own personal convictions, that seethe from the hypocritical standard of society's need for conformity. So while I walk alone, I will remain unmoved by the incessant pleas from my fellow man, to stop promoting what is morally correct. I will be satisfied to trek along in that valley of the shadow of death. I will never fear evil, or be frightened to speak aloud, against those chains of discrimination, because after all, aren't we suppose to "hold these truth's to be self-evident"?
To believe, or not believe. To agree, or disagree. To take a stand, or remain silent.... personal choices, free from abuse, promoted with peace, honor and dignity. Just as Marting Luther King, Jr., said so beautifully... I too, also want "justice to roll down like water, and the righteousness like a mighty stream". And I will not be quiet, until it does.
"Because MY religion, is freedom FROM religion, the freedom of speech, and freedom for all"
I'm yella'!! Mr. Alip