Monday, October 12, 2009

Just A Piece Of Trash...

Today, I am tired. Deployment sucks. Cheerleader practice sucks. Single parenting (when you're not single) sucks. War sucks..........I try and think positively. But can I just say ONE THING?! This sucks....... You don't really realize how difficult situations can be, until you are faced with them. And they suck. Long days, sleepless nights. And on top of all the added stress, you still have to manage day to day life... and maybe, just maybe, there might be a little time left over for you. But not likely.And it may not even be a complicated situation. But just the added stress can make it feel that way. Example: taking the trash to the curb. 10:00 p.m., pajamas on, sleep is settling in, pondering what atrocities you must over come when you wake up.... then it hits you like a ton of bricks. You forgot to put the trash on the street.

So now you have a dilema. Do you crawl out from under the warm covers, only to be faced by a blast of cold icy air (because earlier you were hot, and turned the thermostat down, and are too lazy to get up to fix it?), or do you lie in bed, almost in dream land, and think there is always trash pick up next week?So you wonder, just how full WAS the can? And you can't remember, because earlier that evening, you demanded that the 15 year old that lives in your house, but is certainly not under your control, take the trash from the kitchen and place in the receptacle outside. So you're faced with a situation. If only you could figure out how many times the trash had been taken out for the week, and estimate about how many bags fit in that ugly blue thing, and think that you just might be able to leave it for a week...

When all of a sudden, a strange but scary noise begins very near to your garage.... Is it an animal? Maybe a racoon. Or possum. Either way, you are NOT going out there now! But it's so hard to hear from the nice warmth of lazyhood. But then again, you do have those 2 children to protect afterall. Racoons can't be THAT scary, right? You're going to have to take care of this, in the icy atmosphere from your bedroom. Get your big girl pants on, take the challenge of parenting sister!By now, you have come to the full, and dismal realization, that you are indeed going to have to get up, get out of the bed, freeze your buns off and go have a look. After all the bag calculations, and ugly blue receptacle estimates, it's well into the night. What once, was a mere 10:00 p.m., has now turned into 1:30 a.m. Have you really been estimating bag sizes for 2 and 1/2 hours? You tell yourself no, that surely you were thinking of some other important issues. World peace, 3rd world country hungar elimination...

But then it occurs to you, no, you have only been counting trash bags. The next hour is spent thinking about where the time went. You think about your husband, and for a second, you get mad. Trash taking is HIS job. Stupid war.The next thing you hear, is the 15 year old person that lives with you. Suddenly you feel elated! She remembered it was trash day too! Hoorah! You are saved..... and just when you feel the warm fuzzies taking over you once again, and you nestle back into the sanctuary of warm clean sheets, you realize that it isn't the trash that has awoken your daughter. It was the sun.And it's another day.

I hope we can get the trash to the street for next week...

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